Cellulite Treatment
Cellulite Treatment in San Antonio: Painless and Effective
iCellulite Free™ Is a Specially Formulated Cellulite Treatment Package To Significantly Reduce The Appearance Of Cellulite
iCellulite Free™ Consists Of Several Infrared and Laser Light Treatments Including Accent Elite, Juvashape, Cellulase & Velashape To Effectively Address Cellulite
With the latest in scientific research and cutting edge technology, TXID offers the very best in cellulite treatment options! Texas Institute of Dermatology in San Antonio is the best choice to help you achieve an amazing new look! We are the first (and so far the only) dermatology center in South Texas to offer iCellulite Free™ and iCellulite Free Plus™: the best laser cellulite treatment in combination with the latest scientific concepts in fitness and nutrition to reduce the appearance of cellulite. iCellulite Free Plus™ is the most effective cellulite treatment package currently available and the results speak for themselves!
Depending on your choice of iCellulite Free™ or iCellulite Free Plus™, treatment consists of :
Subcision to release fibrotic bands responsible for depressed (crater-like) areas
Cold cellulase to release fibrotic bands
iCellulite Free™ is one of the most comprehensive treatment package for Cellulite. iCellulite Free™ is exclusively offered at Texas Institute of Dermatology. iCcellulite Free™ frees adhesion fibers that pull the skin down and also stimulates new collagen formation to fill the dermis; you will appreciate a significant decrease in depth and appearance of Cellulite after treatment. iCellulite Free™ is a combination therapy specifically designed for Cellulite. iCellulite Free™ (depending on your skin type) may include cold cellulase, subcision, Accent, Velashape and Juvashape radiofrequency bipolar and unipolar. Before development of iCellulase Free™, most dermatologists or plastic surgeons offered only a Velashape. With iCellulase Free™ your Cellulite significantly improve after receiving these cutting edge techniques designed for release of fibrotic bands and new collagen formation

Our Cellulite experts may also offer iCellulite Free Plus™ which consists of iCellulite Free™ plus platelet rich plasma derived from your blood into depressed cellulite area to promote new collagen formation. Our combination treatment system including iCellulite Free™ and iCellulite Free Plus™ is superior to any individual light treatments offered in the market.
Fat cells, surrounded by fibrous cords, are located under the skin. As fat cells enlarge, they push up against the skin while the fibrous cords pull down. This creates an uneven surface or dimpling, referred to as cellulite. Cellulite is more visible on the thighs and the buttocks. Many cellulite treatments, including massages or cellulite creams, are not as effective as they claim. Liposuction has been used for cellulite treatment. However, uneven suctioning may worsen the appearance of cellulite.
Cellulase, Juvashape, Velashape and Accent Elite Radiofrequency have shown promising results as a cellulite treatment.
Accent Elite and Juvashape are both non-invasive, Radio Frequency (RF) platforms aimed at treating cellulite by delivering controlled radiofrequency waves into target areas. Deep thermal heating increases localized metabolism and blood circulation. Triglycerides and free fatty acids trapped within the adipocytes are released into the bloodstream, causing shrinkage of these cells. This uniquely advanced technology facilitates moving the interstitial fluids while contracting connective tissue. This provides volume loss and a reduction in the appearance of cellulite. The ultimate result is a slimmer, more toned looking you, without going to the gym.
Click The Picture Above To Learn More and See a Short Video About Velashape
VelaShape™ is a FDA cleared device that effectively and safely contours, shapes and slims the body by reducing cellulite. VelaShape™ features the revolutionary combination of Bi-Polar Radiofrequency (RF), Infrared Light Energy, plus Vacuum and Mechanical Massage. The precise heating ensures a safe, effective, fast cellulite treatment with no downtime. Vacuum and specially designed rollers for the Mechanical Massage smooth out the skin to facilitate safe and efficient heat energy delivery. The net result increases the metabolism of stored energy, increases lymphatic drainage and reduces or shrinks the size of the actual fat cells and fat chambers. As a result, gradual smoothing of skin’s surface with a noticeable reduction in cellulite and circumferential Reduction, with noticeable reshaping of the treated area can be seen in treated individuals.
In a clinical multi-center study, there has been a circumferential Reduction of thighs of at least 1cm in about 85% of treated areas; ranging up to 7.2cm in reduction. Accent Elite, a very new FDA cleared device, uses both bipolar and mono-polar radio frequency and it shows promising results in body contouring and cellulite treatment. We offer several packages that combine both state-of-the art lasers with a personal trainer to maximize your expected results.
What Patients Are Saying
No cellulite, happy honeymoon
I cannot imagine how I could go to my honey moon in the Cayman Islands if my friend didn’t tell me about your Institute! I was doing different things without any improvement in my cellulite until I found you guys. I was really desperate. I started with skepticism and surprisingly was impressed by iCellulite treatment. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Cheri, San Antonio - Tx
Superior technology, virtually painless
Why Should You Choose Texas Institute Of Dermatology For Cellulite Treatment?
At the Texas Institute of Dermatology Laser and Cosmetic Surgery, we want you to have an excellent outcome and to feel that your needs and concerns have been promptly addressed in a caring and sensitive fashion. We strive diligently to ensure your satisfaction, your comfort, your privacy, and your safety. All cellulite treatment are supervised or performed by a dermatologist with many years of successful experience in a large variety of procedures. Many treatment modalities are available, and after your consultation, we can recommend which options are most likely to meet your needs. At our clinic in San Antonio, Texas, we serve communities throughout Bexar and Kendall counties, including San Antonio, Boerne, Leon Springs, Fair Oaks Ranch, Canyon Lake city; many of our patients also come from San Marcos, New Braunfels, Kerrville, Austin, Wimberley, Corpus Christi and Loredo.